Hot Cake Sets

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Hot Cakes - Paint Now Encaustic Set
This set is the perfect, economical way to start painting with encaustics- right now! You get 16 oz Wax Medium, Wagner Heat Gun (embossing gun is no longer available), EnKaustiKolor Shimmer Set, Hot Sticks Earth Tone Set, Hot Sticks Rich Tones Set, Hot Sticks Bright Set, Set of five Interference Colors Wax Snaps (1/3 size), Naphthol Red Wax Snaps, Ultramarine Blue Wax Snaps, Titanium White Wax Snaps, Burnt Sienna Wax Snaps, Bone Black Wax Snaps, Dioxazine Purple Light Wax Snaps, XD Wax Medium Wax Snaps, Bismuth Yellow Wax Snaps, Hot Cakes 6 oz Tin Slick Wax, Hot Cakes 6 oz Tin Wax Medium, Hot Cakes Titanium White, Hot Cakes Super Gold Pearl, 1/2 Inch Angled Hog Brush, 3/4 Inch Angled Hog Brush, Scraping Tool, 2 Inch Hake Brush, Pack of Six 8 x 8 Wood Panels 5mm thick, 8 x 10 Cradled Wood Panel, 6 x 6 Cradled Wood Panel, 5 x 7 Cradled wood Panel, and a  Pancake Griddle.

Price: $349.00
Enkaustikos Hot Cakes! Academy Set
This set contains classic paints for the palette, none of which are cadmiums or cobalts. It is a perfect choice for the classroom, students, and professionals alike. Colors included are 1.5 fl. oz. each of Bismuth Yellow, Yellow Ochre, Napthol Red, Alizarin Crimson, Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber, and Titanium White in Hot Cake metal tins. Also included is Wax Medium and Slick Wax in 6 fl.oz. refillable metal tins.
Price: $92.00
Enkaustikos Hot Cakes! Classic Painters Choice Set
For the painter at heart, this set is comprised of colors that many professional artists use in their palettes. Colors included are 1.5 fl oz each of Cadmium Yellow Light, Yellow Ochre, Cadmium Red Light, Alizarin Crimson, Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Viridian, Burnt Sienna, Raw Umber, and Titanium White in the Hot Cake metal tins. Also included is Wax Medium and Slick Wax in 6 fl. oz. refillable metal tins, an Enkaustikos Hot Wax Pen with four tips, a Temperature Regulator, one Hot Brush Attachment, and one 3/4 inch Enkaustikos Hog Bristle Brush.
Price: $215.99
Enkaustikos Hot Cakes! Extended Academy Set
This set contains colors that will round out the Academy Set, allowing for more complex color mixing. Colors included are 1.5 fl oz each of Nickel Titanate Yellow, Bohemian Orange, Quinacridone Red, Dioxazine Purple, Phthalo Green Yellow Shade, Phthalo Blue Green Shade, Caput Mortuum, and Jet Black in Hot Cake metal tins.
Price: $92.00
Enkaustikos Hot Cakes! Extended Portrait Set
This expanded version of the portrait set allows for all skin tones, from the deepest ebonies to the palest porcelains. The colors included are 1.5 fl oz each of Naples Yellow Reddish, Sienna Pink, Golden Buff Titanium, Red Earth Pale, Brilliant Yellow Pale, Raw Sienna, Cadmium Red Deep, Bohemian Green Earth, Mars Venetian Red, Burnt Sienna, Micaceous Iron Oxide, and Raw Umber; all in Hot Cake metal tins.
Price: $127.99
Enkaustikos Hot Cakes! Full Set
This set includes one each of every Hot Cake color! You get 82 colors, plus Wax Medium and Slick Wax. Ready, set, paint...
Price: $1,039.20
Enkaustikos Hot Cakes! Glazing Set
This set includes colors that are translucent. They are beautiful for glazing and layering, especially when mixed with Wax Medium and/or XD Wax Medium. Colors included are 1.5 fl oz each of Italian Golden Ochre, Quinacridone Red, Ultramarine Rose, Prussian Blue, Vagone Green Earth, and Transparent Red Earth in Hot Cake metal tins. Also included is Wax Medium, XD Wax Medium, and Slick Wax in refillable metal tins, a Slotted Brush, and one 3/4 inch Enkaustikos Hog Bristle Brush.
Price: $127.99
Enkaustikos Hot Cakes! Lets Get Started! Introductory Set
This is an ideal way to get started with encaustic painting. This set contains 1.5 fl oz Hot Cake tins each of Titanium White, Bismuth Yellow, Napthol Red, Ultramarine Blue, Wax Medium, and Slick Wax. You can mix a multitude of colors using the primary palette of Bismuth Yellow, Napthol Red, Ultramarine Blue, and Titanium White! The retail value of this set is $60.00 if purchased separately.
Price: $55.99
Enkaustikos Hot Cakes! Portrait Set
This set has 5 custom colors that address the lighter skin tones and highlights encountered in portraiture. The colors included are 1.5 fl oz each of Naples Yellow Reddish, Sienna Pink, Golden Buff Titanium, Red Earth Pale and Brilliant yellow pale; all in Hot Cake metal tins.
Price: $45.59