Rochester Art Supply
150 West Main Street
Rochester, New York 14614 USA
Phone: (800) 836-8940
Fax: (585) 546-5028
Store Hours and Location:
Our retail shop, Rochester Art Supply, is located at 150 West Main St, Rochester, NY, 14614 in the historic Cascade District. Our hours are Monday to Friday, 8am to 5:30pm; and Saturday 9am to 3pm. We are closed on Sunday. Our local phone number is 585-546-6509 but our toll free number is 800-836-8940.
If you are driving in from the West (Buffalo, Toronto, Batavia, Hamilton, Leroy, etc.); take I-90 and get off at 490 East. Take the Plymouth Road exit. Turn right on Plymouth Road and drive south to West Main St. Turn right on Main St. and we are on the left.
From the East (Syracuse, Sodus, Canandaigua, etc.), take I-90 and get off at 490 West. Drive into Downtown Rochester and get off at the Broad & Plymouth exit. Simply drive straight when you get off at the exit; it will take you right to West Main St. and you will see us right on the corner.

Mike Lesczinski is the President of Rochester Art Supply Inc.