Gilder's Tip Pony Hair
Gilder's Tips are used to lift the loose leaves from the book and place
it on the painting or picture frame. To use a gilder's tip, you first
charge it with static electricity. Remember when you used to rub a
balloon on your head and stick it to the wall. The same principle
applies, you simply brush the tips of the hair on your own hair to
charge it with static. Once charged, you quickly lift the the leaf from
the book and place it on your painting or picture frame, being careful
not to let the hair touch the sizing. Its important to note that there
is an art to gilding, you have to be patience, it will take a while and a
lot of leaf before you will become proficient at gilding.
We offer three types of Gilder's tips, this tip uses Pony hair which is
designed for genuine Glass Gold Leaf and Red Loose Leaf. This is a
firmer hair than the Kazan Squirrel hair gilder's tip; but not as stiff
as the Badger hair tip. The tip is single thick, 2-1/4" length hair and
4" wide.