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Home / Printmaking → Papers → Masa White Printmaking Paper - 21x31 Inch (20% Off- Dented Corner!)
Masa White Printmaking Paper- 21x31 Inch - Masa is versatile, affordable Japanese paper. It can be used for a wide range of art techniques, including sumi painting, watercolor, and printmaking. Masa’s strength and versatility lend it well to the wetting process. It is soft and white and has both internal and surface sizing. One side is smoother and shinier than the other, which exhibits a slight tooth. Masa is sometimes called rice paper, but it is not (unless it is the kind of rice that grows on trees). Masa is made from sulphite pulp.
Our last shipment of Masa arrived with some slightly dented corners. We re-ordered and again.... received dented corners! We are selling these sheets at a 20% discount.