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Home / Painting Supplies → Oil → Mediums → Mediums by Brand → Michael Harding → Michael Harding Oil Paint Miracle Medium
Ⓥ VEGAN – PLANT BASED – SOLVENT FREE. Miracle Medium™ Oil Paint Medium is a paint medium designed to ease flow and increase gloss, transparency, depth and beauty of the pigment color. This medium is made using our linseed stand oil and Miracle Medium™ formulation. The New Miracle Medium™ Oil Paint Medium is solvent free.
– Mix with oil paints to improve flow and transparency, enhancing the handling and blending of colors.
– Use as a versatile medium for modifying the consistency and texture of oil paints, allowing artists to achieve desired effects and surface qualities.
Miracle Medium & Linseed Stand Oil
– Available in 100ml, 250ml & 1 Litre.