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Home / Painting Supplies → Watercolor → Paints → Sets → Professional → Daniel Smith Extra Fine Watercolor Set of 5 + Case
These 5-color Extra-Fine Watercolor Stick sets include a translucent plastic case with snap lid. Break the compartments apart to carry individual sticks or leave attached to keep the set together.
The Core Mixing Set includes hansa yellow medium, quinacridone coral, lamp black, cobalt blue and phthalo green (yellow shade). The Aquatic Landscapes Set includes cobalt teal blue, phthalo turquoise, carbazole violet, neutral tint and quinacridone gold. The Granulating Power Set includes serpentine genuine, sodalite genuine, lunar black, piemontite genuine and hematite genuine. The Enhanced Secondary Mixing Set includes buff titanium, quinacridone burnt orange, undersea green, moonglow and carbazole violet.