Set of 6
Genuine Professional Grade Oil Paint in solid Stick Form. Unlike
conventional oil colors, Paintstik Oil Colors usually dry in 24 hours to
a flexible film. The colors are completely compatible and can be
blended with any oil paints. Ideal for sketching and outlining, Shiva
Paintstiks are Oil Colors made from refined linseed oil blended with a
quality pigment and refined wax and solidified into this convenient
stick form. They can be spread or blended and can be used in
conjunction with conventional oils. Shiva Paintstiks are self-sealing,
just peel the seal before using. No unpleasant odors or fumes. They are
effective for sketching out shape, composition, and color without messy
palettes and mixing cups. The colors can be spread or blended with the
finger, brush or palette knife. All colors are fully intermixable and
blendable to achieve any color palette. Available individually in 51
professional colors and in several set assortments. The regular size
stick measures 5/8"x 4-1/2" long. This set includes dusty rose, wedgewood blue, pewter gay, yellow ochre, celadon green, & barn red.