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Home / Painting Supplies → Oil → Mediums → Mediums by Brand → Chelsea Classical Studio → Chelsea Classical Studio Lavender Spike Oil Essence
Used since the Renaissance.
No Carcinogenic Fumes, No Petroleum, No Turpentine
WHAT IS LAVENDER SPIKE OIL ESSENCE? CCS Lavender Spike Oil Essence™ is a historically documented alternative to turpentine distilled from lavender. It can fully dissolve resins for varnishes, and mix with paints and mediums. Its distinctive lavender scent does not cause chronic health effects such as those associated with the inhalation of fumes from Turpentine or Petroleum Mineral Spirits. Besides its use in oil painting, it is also used for perfumes, soaps, aromatherapy and other holistic medicinal practices.
HOW TO USE LAVENDER SPIKE OIL ESSENCE The usage of CCS Lavender Spike Oil Essence™ and Turpentine are nearly identical. Both are oil painting solvents that are used to thin oil paints and mediums, and to make varnishes like damar. CCS Lavender Spike Oil Essence™ does not cause chronic health effects such as those associated with the inhalation of fumes from other varnishes made with Turpentine or mineral spirits.