Based on the charming children’s book “Le Avventure di Pinocchio” written in the 1800’s by Italian author Carlo Collodi, this delightful design captures some of the mischievous adventures of the beloved animated marionette named Pinocchio, created by a poor woodcarver named Geppetto. The illustrations and quotes captured on this intriguing “storybook” design include:
• Pinocchio with the Cat and the Fox (il Gatto e la Volpe),
• Pinocchio meeting the Fairy (la Fata day Capelli Turchini)
• Pinocchio with the Dogfish that’s “as big as a whale!” (il Pesce-Cane)
The clever use of Pinocchio’s bright red accents and patterned shirt really pop off of the cream background of this paper, making him the focal point of these creative illustrations, further accented by metallic gold highlights accomplished with an extra printing process that quality Italian florentines are known for.
This paper is acid free and makes a beautiful choice for a multitude of artistic uses including book arts, home decor, custom invitations, fine gift wrap and more. 27x36", 80g/m2.